The speech body is the largest part of your presentation. It's where you develop more fully what it is you require your audience to know or understand. Whereas the opening is about 15% of your presentation and the conclusion accounts for approximately 10%, the body of your speech is a full 75% of its content.
All talks need to be developed. Whether its an informative, entertaining, persuasive or inspirational presentation. They all will require different ways to expand them, yet there is one noteworthy detail to consider that applies to each speech purpose.
The body of your speech should only target 2 to 3 points maximum!
That's it.
And here's why:
You want your audience to be able to keep up with you. When you hit too many points they will begin to get confused and the clarity of the speech will be missed. The result; frustration, many questions, and in the end non-action.
Here's a personal example:
Several years ago I gave a presentation on goal setting for public speakers. I gave a comprehensive and well-delivered talk on the 17 traits involved. I was so proud of the fact that I proceeded through them so confidently without a hitch. And at the end of the speech...
The audience was looking at me like a deer into headlights.
Anything over 3 points and one of two things will take place:
1) Half the audience will get information overload and just zone out;
2) The other half of them will be scrambling around trying to locate a pen and paper so they can jot things down and not miss anything.
Either way, nobody is getting your message. Huge fail.
Anyone can remember 2 or 3 points that help in developing your story. Whether your presentation is 2 minutes or two hours long the same holds true. For longer speeches just build them out by developing the material in greater detail, not by adding more items
So, the main thing to remember about the speech body for best results:
2 - 3 points maximum!